
Alejandro Gonzalez Ollauri

Civil Engineering & Environmental Management – School of Computing, Engineering, and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University

Nature-based solutions, ecohydrology, environmental modelling, climate change adaptation

Ana Luiza Coelho Netto

Full Professor at Department of Geography, Institute of Geosciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Position: Head, Laboratory of Geo-Hydroecology and Risk Managemen. I am  Honorary Fellow, IAG-International Association of Geomorphology.

Current Research Interest: Fire induced vegetation changes affecting hydro-mechanical soil properties and slope stability.

Anthony K. Leung

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

mechanics of rooted soils, anisotropic modelling,
pore-scale soil-root interaction, centrifuge modelling of bioengineered

Francisco Sandro R Holanda

Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Federal University of
Sergipe State), Brazil

Soil Bioengineering, erosion, natural fiber geotextiles,

Katrin Sieron

Since 2023:  Geological Survey of the LBGR (State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Material of Brandenburg), Germany before 2023: Volcanologist at the Earth Science Center at the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.

volcanology, hazard assessment, interdisciplinary research, deep geology, geothermal energy

Mingfang Zhang

School of Resources and Environment, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

forest hydrological processes, ecohydrological modelling, water-carbon couplings, remote sensing hydrology, forest landscape restoration and management

Paola Sangalli

European Federation of Soil and Water Bioengineering /Sangalli Coronel y Asociados S.L, Spain

Soil Conservation, Climate Change, Soil Erosion, Soil and Water Conservation, Land Degradation

Zhun Mao


root traits, soil-root interaction, root reinforcement, slope stability

Gerrit Meijer

University of Bath, UK

geotechnics; soil mechanics; root reinforcement; modelling; field and lab experimentation

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