6th International Conference on
Soil Bio- and Eco-Engineering (SBEE25)
‘The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability‘
Xalapa, Mexico, 30 June – 4th July 2025
This conference is the sixth in the series ‘The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability.’ The first congress was held at Thessaloniki, Greece, from 13 – 17 September 2004. In an era where more and more natural hazards are occurring, soil erosion, landslides and other catastrophic events result not only in the loss of lives and infrastructure, but cause major damage to the environment. The aim of these meetings therefore is to bring together scientific researchers, practitioners, geotechnical and civil engineers, biologists, ecologists and foresters to discuss current problems in slope stability research, and how to address those problems using ground bio- and eco-engineering techniques.
Ground bioengineering methods integrate civil engineering techniques with natural materials to obtain fast, effective and economic methods of protecting, restoring and maintaining the environment whereas eco-engineering has been defined as a long-term ecological strategy to manage a site with regard to natural or man-made hazards. Conference sessions will focus on an area where such engineering techniques are used more and more frequently, i.e. natural and man-made slopes. Papers will be presented on slope instability, erosion, soil hydrology, mountain ecology, land use and restoration and how to mitigate these problems using vegetation. The mechanics of root-soil interaction are of utmost importance, along with the modelling of root reinforcement and the development of decision support systems, areas where significant advances have been made in recent years. Proceedings will be published in a special edition of an international journal.
We hope that you will be able to join us at this meeting, to be held in beautiful Xalapa city, surrounded by cloud forest with many waterfalls, and located near the Gulf of Mexico and Veracruz port.
The Organising Committee